
  • Dea Setianingsih Departement of Actuarial, Tamansiswa Padang University, Indonesia
  • Silvia Rosita Departement of Actuarial, Tamansiswa Padang University, Indonesia
  • Siska Resti S Departement of Actuarial, Tamansiswa Padang University, Indonesia



whole life insurance , premium reserve modification, Zillmer method


The calculation of the premium reserve can be modified to avoid losses in the early years because in the first year there are many expenses that must be borne by the company so that it has difficulties in calculating the amount of the premium reserve. Not a few insurers have suffered losses due to inaccurate calculations in the calculation of premium reserves. This study aims to modify the calculation of prospective whole life insurance premium reserves using the Zillmer method. Modification of premium reserves is calculated using the 2019 Indonesian Mortality Table with an interest rate of 3.50%. Based on the results of data analysis on the value of prospective premium reserves and the modified value of premium reserves using the Zillmer method, the results are the same, namely for male age (x) = 48 years, the prospective reserve value is IDR 213,253.05 and the modified premium reserve value using the Zillmer method is IDR 213,252.93 then for female age (y) = 69 years the prospective reserve value is IDR 8,698,949.01 and for the modified premium reserve value using the Zillmer method is IDR 8,698,948.89.


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