Hayat tree, Irregularity Strength, Total Vertex Irregulairty Strength, Vertex Irregular Total Labeling, TreeAbstract
Let G(V,E) be a finite, simple graph with no loop and parallel edges. V is a set of vertices in G and E is a set edges. Labeling a graf is mapping that sends some set of graph elements to a set of positive integers. If the domain is the vertex set then the labeling is call vertex labeling, if the domain is the edge set then the labeling is call edge labeling. Define a labeling as a vertex irregular total k - labeling if for every two different vertices x and y the vertex-weight
where the vertex-weigth is defined by
The minimum value of label k for which G has a vertex irregular total labeling is called the total vertex irregularity strength of G and denoted by tvs(G) . We consider Hayat Tree Graph, a graph as symbol of Capital of Nusantara (IKN) which is ratified by president in June 2023. In this paper, we determined the total vertex irregularity strength of Hayat Tree Graph.
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