Hamilton Cycle on the Wheel Graph


  • Fadhila Anggraini Universitas Riau, Indonesia
  • Sri Gemawati University of Riau, Indonesia




Wheel graph, Circle graph, Hamilton graph, Hamilton cycle


This article discusses the existence of the Hamilton cycle in the wheel graph by constructing steps to find the existence of the Hamilton cycle. A graph that has a Hamilton cycle is called a Hamilton graph, A circle graph is a graph where each vertex has a degree of two, denoted by Cn. A graph obtained by adding a central vertex to a circle graph and connecting it to all the vertices of the circle graph is called a wheel graph, denoted by Wn . If the wheel graph Wn  has m where m is the number of  that replaces each point in Wn then it can be denoted by Wmn . Then, in the wheel graph Wmn  is the number of outermost points of Wmn  added to 1 point located in the center. Based on the construction, it is found that there is a Hamilton cycle in the wheel graph. In the wheel graph Wn contains Hamilton cycle for n>=3. Furthermore, the wheel graph Wmn  also contains Hamilton cycle for n>=3 and m>=1, but the image of the wheel graph Wmn is only perfectly drawn for n=2k where k is an integer. This is because there are colliding edges in the wheel graph for n=2k-1 where k is an integer.


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