SEPIR Model of Skin Cancer Caused by Exposure to Ultraviolet Light
Basic reproduction number, SEPIR model, Jacobian matrix, Eigen valueAbstract
Skin cancer is a disease that occurs due to a change in the nature of normal skin cells into abnormal skin cells, where these cells will divide into abnormal forms in an unconditioned manner due to DNA damage. This research explains the stability of the SEPIR model in skin cancer caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. The population is divided into five subpopulations, namely, susceptible (S), latent period with early symptoms (E), pre-cancer (P), infected (I), and recovered from skin cancer (R). Based on the model analysis using Jacobian matrix and eigen value, there is one equilibrium point free and one endemic equilibrium point for skin cancer and the basic reproduction number R0. The results of the stability test of the equilibrium test using basic reproduction number (R0) showed that if R0<1, then the equilibrium point free from skin cancer is asymptotically stable and if R0>1 the equilibrium point endemic to skin cancer is asymptotically stable.
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