Bayesian Statistics for Study Population Statistics and Demography


  • Achmad Isya Alfassa Universitas Islam Indragiri, Indonesia



Bayesian Statistics, Statistics, Population, Demographic


Bayesian statistics is a method that belongs to the realm of statistical science which is based on the rules of the science of chance or probability. The Bayesian method is also used in carrying out projection analysis to see a picture of future conditions. This research was conducted to show the relationship between Bayesian Statistics and Demographic and Population Statistics Studies. The results of Bayesian Statistics can be used in the study of Population Statistics and Demography to carry out analysis with previous data and to find out and predict a picture of future conditions to determine the right policies, especially in analyzing population projections, population indicators and other demographics.


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How to Cite

Alfassa, A. I. (2023). Bayesian Statistics for Study Population Statistics and Demography. Journal of Statistical Methods and Data Science, 1(1), 17–24.