Submission Preparation Checklist

Below are the steps for submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Statistical Methods and Data Science:

1. Registration: Begin by registering through the "register" menu on the journal's website.

2. Formatting: Ensure that the manuscript adheres to the designated writing style by using the provided template in the writing guide.

3. Submission: Once the manuscript is appropriately formatted, submit it via the "submit" menu after logging in to the journal's website. Manuscripts not complying with the writing template may be rejected by the editorial team.

4. Review Process: Submitted manuscripts will undergo prompt evaluation by the editorial team in accordance with the established review process.

5. Checking Status: Authors can monitor the status of their manuscript by logging in to the journal's website. All activities, including the review process, are conducted through the web-based platform of the journal.

6. Communication with the Editor: Should there be any queries directed to the editor, authors are encouraged to utilize the discussion forum available on the website after logging in.